Friday, June 19, 2009


Before you ask...yes, that is a bucket on her head.

Kids say the darnedest things, especially two (almost three) year olds. I decided that I should start writing down some of the strange and silly things that Paige says so that I won't forget to remind her of them when she's a teenager. here are a few of my favorites...

My good friend Ginny: Paige, do we live on Earth?
Paige: No, we live in TX?
(by the way, we do not live in TX anymore, we live in VA)

Paige: Mommy did you get a sticker at the Dr?
Mommy: No
Paige: Was it because you weren't very good?

Hang-a-burgers (Hamburgers)
Lellow (Yellow)
Cuz-ba (Because)

I hope that this becomes a regular thread, so check back often for more silly things out of the mouth of Paige :)

1 comment:

kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor said... it!! And cuz-ba, too! CUTE.